Annual Workshops
2018 Workshop
8:15-Check In, Breakfast (provided), Networking
9:00-Welcome and Overview -Dr. John Hopkins
9:20-Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
Vineyards and Riparian Forests-Groundwater Interactions-Mark E. Grismer, PhD, PE, UC Davis
Dependent Ecosystems and SGMA-Chris Lee, Solano County Water Agency
10:30-Landowners Perspectives-Operating under Habitat Conservation Easements
Steve Mayo, San Joaquin Council of Governments
Glenn Nakagawa, Nakagawa Ranches
Stephen Pellegri, Stephen Pellegri and Sons
11:30-The California Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Gino Torlai, Lemhi Land and Cattle, LLC
11:30-Lessons Learned from Implementing Plans
San Bruno Mountain HCP-Hannah Ormshaw, San Mateo County Parks
12:30-Lunch (provided) and Networking
1:40-Fire Management Plans for the Santa Clara and Placer Conservation Plans
Fire Management Pland for Santa Clara and Placer Conservation Plans
Richard Harris, Richard Harris Consulting
2:15-Finding Solutions During the First Years of Implementation-Endowments, Project Permitting and Other Actions
Joanne Chin, East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy
Edmund Sullivan, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency
3:15-Wrap-up and Adjourn
2016 Workshop
9:00-Welcome and Introductions
9:15-Agricultural Programs and HCP’s/NCCP’s
Phil Hogan, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
10:35-Individual Species Conservation Science-Giant Garter Snake
Josh Hull, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service
11:30-The California Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Debra Schlafmann, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
12:00-Lunch (provided) and Networking
1:00-Regional Conservation Investment Strategies-a New California Program
Liz O’Donoghue, The Nature Conservancy
Petrea Marchand, Yolo Habitat Conservancy
Kevin Hunting, California Departement of Fish and Game
1:45-NCCPs/HCPs and Plants
Katie Barrows, Coachela Valley Conservation Commission
Carol Witham, California Native Plant Society
Terah Donovan, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency
3:05-Climate Change Tools for NCCPs and HCPs
Jeanne Hoffman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Dan Cox, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
3:40-Wrap Up
2014 Workshop
9:10-The Northern California Conservation Planning Partners and Regional Conservation Planning
Dr. John Hopkins-Institute for Ecological Health
9:30-Using Science to Detect Species Trends in Response to a Changing Environment
Dr. Cameron Barrows-U.C. Riverside
10:30-Wetland Registration: History, Ecology and Community
Moderator: Abigail Fateman, East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy
Robin Grossinger-San Francisco Estuary Institute-Understanding the Historical Ecological Context
Matt Quinn-H.T. Harvey and Associates-Putting the Pieces Together: Site Selection, Habitat and Species Specific Design and Construction
Phil Stevens-Urban Creeks Council-Engaging Communities for Long-term Restoration Success
11:50-Lunch (provided) and Networking
12:50-Funding Conservation Plan Implementation: Federal, State and Local
Moderator: Dr. John Hopkins, Institute for Ecological Health
Joe Caves, Conservation Strategy Group
Dr. Darla Guenzler, California Council of Land Trusts
Jaimee Lederman, University of California at Los Angeles
1:50-Economic Benefits of HCPs
Teifion-Rice Evans, Economic and Planning Systems
2:45-Regional Conservation Plans and Lessons Learned
Moderator: Chris Lee, Solano County Water Agency
Michael Beck, Endangered Habitats League
Loren Clark, Placer County Conservation Plan
Danelle Stylos, Yuba/Sutter Regional Conservation Plan
3:45-Wrap Up
2013 Workshop
Speakers/Presentations from 2013 Workshop
Welcome and Overview
John Hopkins, Ph.D., Institute for Ecological Health
Keynote Speaker Charlton Bonham, Director, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Planning Overview
John Kopchik, East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy
From Conserving Nature to Sustainable Communities: Interactions Between Regional Planning Approaches
Michael Fitts, Endangered Habitats League
Liz O’Donoghue, The Nature Conservancy
Ken Schreiber, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency
Habitat Conservation in a Brave New Environment: Nitrogen Deposition, Climate Change, and Checkerspot Butterflies
Stuart Weiss, Ph.D., Creekside Center for Earth Observation
Impacts of Nitrogen Deposition on California Ecosystem and Biodiversity
Nitrogen Critical Loads and Management Alternatives For N-Impacted Ecosystems in California
The Geography of Climate Change: Implications For Conservation Biogeography
Keynote Speaker
Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor, Sacramento Field Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Grappling with Invasive Plants
Morgan Doran, University of California Cooperative Extension
Doug Johnson, California Invasive Plant Council
Regional Conservation Planning: from Preparation to Implementation
Julia Fonseca, Office of Sustainability and Conservation, Pima County, Arizona
Shannon Lucas and Cassidee Shinn, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Ken Schreiber, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency
Workshop Sponsors
Ascent Environmental
Consero Solutions
Economic and Planning Systems
ECORP Consulting
H.T. Harvey and Associates
ICF International
LSA Associates
2012 Workshop
Speakers/Presentations from 2012 Workshop
Welcome and Overview
John Hopkins, Ph.D.,Institute for Ecological Health
Coordinating Wetlands and Aquatic Resources Permitting with HCPs
Paul Jones, U.S. EPA-Moderator
Panel Discussion
Mike Jewell, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Bill Orme, State Water Resources Control Board
John Kopchik, East Contra Costa Habitat Conservancy
The Placer County Conservation Plan
Loren Clark, Placer County Community Development Resource Agency-Moderator
Panel Discussion
Jennifer Byous, Placer County Community Development Resurce Agency
Mike Thomas, U.S. Fish and Wildife Service
Terry Davis, Mother Lode Chapter, Sierra Club
Bob Shattuck, Lennar Homes
Keynote Speaker-The Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan
Wayne Spencer, Ph.D., Conservation Biology Institute
Public Participation and Regional Conservation Plans
Biological Impacts of Climate Change
Sam Veloz, Ph.D., PRBO Conservation Science
Historical Ecological Analysis and its Application to Regional HCPs/NCCPs
2011 Workshop
Speakers/Presentations from 2011 Workshop
David Okita, Solano County Water Agency
Conservation Planning from Tahoe to the Bay-A Regional Picture
John Hopkins, Institute of Ecological Health-Moderator
Panel Discussion
Loren Clark, Placer County Planning Department
Joyce Hunting, South Sacramento HCP Ken Schreiber, Santa Clara HCP/NCCP
The Solano Habitat Conservation Plan
Chris Lee, Solano County Water Agency-Moderator
Panel Discussion
Steve Foreman, LSA & Associates
Sheila Larsen, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Greg Martinelli, California Department of Fish & Game
Real World Economics of Implementing Conservation Plans
John Hopkins-Moderator
John Kopchik, East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy
Steve Mayo, San Joaquin Council of Governments
Ron Rempel, San Diego Management and Monitoring Program
Lessons Learned from Implementing Conservation Plans
John Hopkins-Moderator
Michelle Barlow, Pacific Gas & Electric
2010 Workshop
Speakers/Presentations from 2010 Workshop
David Okita, Solano County Water Agency
Key Aspects of Regional Conservation Planning
John Hopkins, Institute of Ecological Health
Coordinating Wetlands and Aquatic Resources Permitting with Habitat Conservation Plans
I. Approaches
Loren Clark, Placer County Planning Department
Mary Pakenham-Walsh, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
II. Perspectives
John Kopchik, Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy-Moderator
Jason Brush, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Kate Dadey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Bob Solecki, State Water Resources Control Board
Paul Campos, Home Builders Association of Northern California
Terry Davis, Mother Lode Chapter Sierra Club
The Roles of Mitigation and Conservation Banks in Habitat Conservation Plans
Joyce Hunting, South Sacramento County Habitat Conservation Plan-Moderator
Kate Dadey, U.S Army Corps of Engineers
Brenda Johnson and Jennifer Navicky, California Department of Fish and Game
Travis Hemmen, Westervelt Ecological Services
Ken Sanchez, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service
The Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan
Ken Schreiber, Santa Clara Valley HCP/NCCP Program Manager-Moderator
Lisa Killough, County of Santa Clara
2009 Workshop
Speakers/Presentations from 2009 Workshop
Chris Lee, Solano County Water Agency-Introduction
John Hopkins, Intitute of Ecological Health-Essentials of Regional Conservation Planning in Northern California
Bay Delta Conservation Plan Connections with County HCPs and NCCPs
David Okita, Solano County Water Agency-Moderator-Bay Delta Conservation Plan
Carl Wilcox, Department of Fish and Game-BDCP-Interfacing with Conservation Plans
Kim Delfino, Defenders of Wildlife-BDCP Connections with County HCPs and NCCPs
Maria Wong, Yolo Natural Heritage Program JPA
Farming and Conservation Plans
Steve Mayo, San Joaquin County HCP-Moderator
Mario Jaques, SJ County Farmer/Real Esate Broker-A Landowners Perspective: Farming under Habitat Conservation Easements
Dan Ariola, Airola Environmental Consulting-Conservation Strategies for Agricultural Landscapes: The Yolo Natural Heritage Program NCCP/HCP
David Sunding, Department of Agricultural and Resources Economics, UC Berkeley-Economic Research to Support Development of the Yolo County Natural Heritage Program
Climate Change and Conservation Plans
Ken Schreiber, Santa Clara Valley HCP/NCCP-Moderator
Mark Schwartz, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, UC Davis-Climate Change, Ecological Impacts and Managing Biodiversity
Brenda Johnson, Department of Fish and Game-Regional Conservation Planning in California: A Tool for Adopting to Climate Change
Mark Kramer, The Nature Conservancy-Climate Change and Habitat Plans: Federal Policy and Funding
The East Contra Costa HCP/NCCP-Lessons from Two Years of Implementation
John Kopchik, East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy-Moderator
David Zippin, ICF Jones and Stokes
Leigh Chavez, Contra Costa County Public Works Department
Jim Gwerder, Citizens’ Land Alliance
Sheila Larsen, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2008 Workshop
008 HCP Workshop
2008 Presentations
California Rangeland Conservation Coalition-Karen Sweet
Essentials of Regional Conservation Planning-John Hopkins, Ph.D
How is Nature Doing?-Brenda Johnson, Ph.D, Ron Rempel, Wayne Spencer, Ph.D
These are large PowerPoint presentations, right-click on the files and save them to your computer for best results.
Seventeenth Annual Workshop
Habitat Conservation Planning from Tahoe to the Bay
October 16th, 2019, Ulatis Community Center, Vacaville